Geopolitical risk is determined by contingency – the choices people make, based on the information they receive, viewed through the prism of the way they see the world. For all the big forces supposedly driving world events, it is day-to-day decisions – and the biases, institutions and simple systems failures of the decision-makers – that shape everyday geopolitical risk. And much of the time decision-makers deal with events in unfamiliar places, guided by patchy information, quixotic political pressures, and their own worldview.
Dominick Donald has been helping commercial and government clients understand this risk for over 20 years, as an independent advisor for the last seven years. He combines extensive global knowledge and academic rigour with personal experience of key institutions and an acute understanding of how people and organisations frame the unfamiliar. Often it is little nuggets of information – the ‘unconsidered trifles’ that Shakespeare’s thief Autolycus would ‘snaffle up’ – that reveal which risks are real, and which are not. This ability to define the gap between real and perceived risks underpins all the geopolitical services he provides.
Genuine insight into global events must reflect not just what’s going on, but what observers think is going on, and why. It depends on both rigorous analysis and the analyst’s knowledge of his or her biases. Dr Donald’s ability to fuse these two elements to produce actionable insight has helped clients ranging from governments engaged in reconstruction in war zones, to a boutique start-up fund shaping its investment strategy.
Predicting the future may be ‘a mug’s game’ (to quote Douglas Adams) but it is possible to identify probable developments over the short term, particularly if analysts can identify the gap between what people think is happening, and what is really going on. Since 2004 Dr Donald has helped the Lloyds market’s war risk underwriters identify new and future threats to shipping, and prepare accordingly.
The breadth and complexity of current geopolitical risks makes it difficult for businesses and their staff to identify which events really matter – let alone identify key takeaways. Dr Donald’s ability to provide real insight on the issues that matter to his clients combine with his natural fluency to make him an extremely effective briefer and keynote speaker. He has earned high ratings from audiences ranging from business leadership teams to war college students and major, sector-wide conferences.
Determining legal responsibility for the costs imposed by geopolitical developments can be a long and complex process; successful arbitration may require impartial expertise on those developments or how they are perceived. Dr Donald has provided expert witness input for legal disputes since 2014, including in Benyatov v Credit Suisse, in the High Court in 2021.
Different audiences want different things from a geopolitical feed; everything from appetite to framing will vary according to who is receiving the material and what they will do with it. Yet all too often businesses send out geopolitical product that assumes all consumers are the same. For over 20 years Dr Donald has helped businesses achieve the effect they seek from geopolitical products, by shaping their understanding of which audience or audiences are key, and then creating, writing and/or editing material tailored to them.
Past and current clients of Autolycus Advisory include financial institutions, business risk firms, consultancies, underwriters, shipping companies, government advisors and events organisers.
Dr Donald provides tailored insight and advice on geopolitical risks and their effects, using mediums ranging from briefings and reports to conference presentations and expert witness testimony.